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- Indicates items which modify system functions.
- If you suspect Conflict Catcher of being part of your problem, try disabling one or more of these options.
- Folder:
- Disable All
- Estimated Memory Use:
- System:
- /High:
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- Conflict Test
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- ©1993-95 Casady & Greene, Inc.
- Revert "
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- Completed.
- Problems were detected.
- No problems found.
- ^1 of ^2 items selected.
- Topic:
- Please enter the password for access to secured preferences.
- Please select a password for secured preferences.
- Please verify the password you entered for secured preferences.
- • No Sound •
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- Name
- Company
- Serial Number
- 3-Day Demonstration
- of Conflict Catcher 3
- (Description from ^)
- (Description from Conflict Catcher)
- Disable Startup Features
- Enable Startup Features
- Disable Icon Features
- Enable Icon Features
- Problem Description
- Startup Disk:
- Unknown.
- Paused. Press Command-P to continue.
- Culprits Found
- Hours remaining: ^
- Circular Link
- The status of the startup files will be as indicated in the list, even if you do not save the changes to the set.
- (by startup key)
- (by powerbook)
- (by default)